I’ve been writing for as long as I can remember. From keeping a journal to writing short stories and novels, I love the creative process in its entirety. One of my favorite things about writing, after dreaming up a character, is when the dialogue begins to form in my head. I can’t begin to describe the feeling of euphoria that engulfs me when the characters come alive in my head and the story begins to take shape, making its own turns and twists.

As a young girl, I used to imagine myself in the pages of my favorite books. Anne of Green Gables and The Secret Garden were my absolute favorites and I’ve read the books a gazillion times without tiring of the story. Lately, I find myself getting lost in the pages of my own stories, more fun that I ever imagined.

I hope that my books provide the same wonderful escape for you as other books have done for me.

A Leap in Time

The Travelers Series Book 1

The morning after hanging an antique painting, Lexi Carter notices strange noises in her living room. Scared beyond words, she confronts the sounds only to discover that the landscape itself has come alive. Did Roman soldiers on horseback just gallop across the thing?

She impulsively touches the painting and is sucked into the world of ancient Pompeii. Lexi meets Marcus, a Roman Adonis, who occupies her every thought, and sends her senses into a tailspin.

The year is 59AD and Pompeii is at its peak of glory and prosperity. Lexi is faced with the decision of choosing between two worlds, her modern day Los Angeles or ancient Pompeii…with the man who captured her heart and soul.